Work Permit

Admissions → Immigration

Work Permit in Anguilla

All employment opportunities must be publicly advertised prior to the submission of applications. Application forms and medical reports are to be obtained from the Labor Department. Once completed, the forms must be returned to the Department along with the following accompanying documents (please ensure that the following documents are available for the work permit application):

  • Copy of the advertisement
  • A complete work permit application
  • Birth Certificate and Passport
  • Police record covering the last ten (10) years
  • Accommodation Form
  • Birth Certificate and Passport
  • Certified certificates as evidence of academic or professional qualifications
  • Recent medical examination report
  • Four (4) identical passport-sized photographs
  • Certificate from Social Security contributions stating that the employer is registered and/or his/her Social Security contributions are up to date

Failure to adhere to the aforementioned requirements may lead to a delay in the processing of the application, necessitating the resubmission of all documentation.

A fee is applicable for each position, determined by the profession and qualifications. Additionally, a EC$100.00 processing fee is required for each work permit prior to processing.